23 Degrees Roastery "Mohel" (2013) :15 (Canada)

Besides being disgusting (a bloody hand, guys? really?) and typical in its low hanging fruit Jewish gags (Seinfeld, anyone?) this campaign feels more like a campaign for coffee than for a brand.

Agency: Red Urban
Executive Creative Director: Christina Yu
Copywriter: Jennifer Rossini
Art Director: Joel Pylypiw
Agency Producer: Terri Vesgo
Account Director: Keith Barry
Production Company: Untitled Films
Director: Aleysa Young
Director of Photography: Tico Poulakakis
Executive Producer: Estelle Weir
Line Producer: Robbie McNamara
Editorial Company: Rooster
Editor: Chris Parkins
Transfer: Alter Ego
Colourist: Tricia Hagoriles
Music & Sound Design: Grayson Matthews

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