ADESF Institutional Stop Smoking now - The Future "live to see it" - print, Brazil

"In 2066, Bin Laden will be caught.
Live to see it. Quit smoking now."

A new angle on the stop smoking ad scene? Instead of (trying to) scare the bejesus out of folks, Neogama/BBH,'s & client ADESF's reason to quit smoking now is that you'll otherwise miss all sorts of interesting future developments. Like Bin Laden finally being caught, temperatures rising to the point of spawning nudist cities and driving your car on top of the stranded cars of the standstill traffic jam in 2048.

"In 2042, the temperature in big cities will increase by 8 degrees on average.
Live to see it. Quit smoking now."

"In 2048, traffic will grind to a standstill. In 2049, the second layer will be opened.
Live to see it. Quit smoking now."

My personal favorite - those damn yogurt lids.

"In 2055, yogurt lids will finally work
Live to see it. Quit smoking now.2

Bruno Borges, Illustrator
Alexandre Gama, Executive Creative Director
Márcio Ribas, Creative Director
Wilson Mateos, Creative Director
Max Geraldo, Art Director
José Martins, Copywriter

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