DOGE SL - "Many financial, plz buy" Stockholm Subway sells with Doge

Wow. Such escalator. Very subway. Much meme-riding. Many fails.

While DDB Stockholm are proud of the fact that many of these Doge-posters are being stolen (a time-honored tradition among Swedish teens if we like a subway poster), and it's been written up in the the trade press Resumé... I'm not all that impressed. DDB insists there's enough information about the offer - a summer price on the subway if you buy the summer card - with the lines "such cheap", "very buy" and "many summer" without the viewer needing knowledge about Doge before seeing this. But I'm not so sure it's funny when you don't know Doge. It fails to be funny now.

I figured the Doge-meme was dead when Oreo used it in February, and then joined in making sure it stayed dead... There is such a thing as "timing" with internet memes.

There's also that nagging sensation when I see campaigns like this, that ad agencies are paying creatives to surf Reddit all day. Please stop. Seriously though, what would happen to the worlds creative output if all IT departments blocked Reddit, 9gag, Imgur and facebook for a few months?

Ad agency: DDB Stockholm

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