Amy Nicholson Joins Supply & Demand

Supply & Demand has added filmmaker Amy Nicholson to its roster. A creative director, commercial director and Oscar qualifying documentarian, Nicholson arrives with vast agency experience on accounts for Nike, Prudential, Yoplait, Black & Decker, Coke, Heineken, HP and ESPN.

Memorable work includes Snapple at Kirshenbaum Bond and Partners where Nicholson created the classic “Snapple Lady" campaign that saw Wendy Kaufman read out letters from consumers in her thick, Long Island accent.

“Working three years on the Snapple campaign, traveling to meet so many amazing people – that’s when I fell in love with production and began gravitating toward creating and directing my own work,” Nicholson explains.

Creative duties followed at Fallon, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, Wieden + Kennedy and DraftFCB before she branched out with “Beauty School” – her first directorial short, a wry portrait of the New York School of Dog Grooming. “Muskrat Lovely” came after, a fascinating full-length feature exploring a small community’s annual muskrat skinning and beauty pageant competitions.

Nicholson has also helmed commercials including a series of web films for Nokia, spots for Pilsner Urquell and the Ad Council – plus memorable work for Howard Stern On Demand, a campaign revealing literal turns of phrase. “Beaver” springs to mind, a spot featuring actress Sue Galloway (“30 Rock”) as a prissy blonde trimming her beaver – more precisely a stuffed beaver while seductively glancing at us with comical yet sensual allure.

“Spanking the Monkey” and “Hiding the Salami” also revel in similar comedic capers, Howard Stern’s tagline closing each with: “We’re not afraid to show it.”

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