Breakstone’s Sour Cream + Taco = True Love (2011) :30 (Canada)

The latest for Breakstone’s Sour Cream, by the Martin Agency, are these two spots starring an animated sour cream carton character who loves potatoes and tacos. The spots are directed by David Hicks (B-Reel Films) with visual effects by axyz.

The two spots, “Potato” and “Taco”, end with the tagline “the food your other food loves.” “Potato” features the animated sour cream carton character serenading a potato with REO Speedwagon’s “Keep on Loving You”. While in “Taco”, the character references a Spanish-English dictionary to express his love to a taco.

“In designing the Breakstone’s sour cream character we wanted him to be memorable, charming and have a certain vulnerable innocence,” says Dennis Turner, Senior Animator, axyz. “He’s like an adolescent going through his first crush.”
Inspiration for the character design came from the structure of the Breakstone’s container itself and a series of drawings by Bob Fortier, axyz’s in-house 2D Animation Director. “I incorporated some of the curving geometric corners of the actual container with the adorable arms and legs in Bob's sketches,” says Turner. “The result gave the character's arms and legs a look that belongs with the container, looking like smooth organic extensions of the container structure.”

About axyz:
Toronto-based axyz is a full service post-production house for commercials, television series and films. The company is comprised of interconnected divisions: editing, 2D and 3D animation, matte painting and compositing; each department working both independently and in support of one another, broadening the scope for creative solution to the most challenging of projects.
Since 1995, axyz has established itself as one of the most powerful forces in the post-production industry with a prestigious list of clients and award-winning body of work.

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