Channel 4 & The Germ awards shortlist

Channel 4's Germ, the international viral awards is over, entries were accepted from all over the world deadline March 31st. Some fun fame prizes including showcasing on, Channel 4's 4Talent site and, and at the viral exhibition at London's prestigious Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA)

There is one category for international digital creative agencies - Best Commercially Produced Viral, and three categories open to individuals - Best Video Viral, Best Still Image Viral and Best Interactive Viral. To see what floated to the top in "the viral 'Oscars'" read more inside. All embedded films from Boreme start automagically so be quick to pause. (yes, it's daft).

The obligatory misogynist stereotype joke award goes to: How's My Parking? flash game, created by Delete.

Obligatory violence against animals, this time with bonus robots! Robotgran by Cyriak

Also from Cyriak: Scratchzilla

Madonnacare by Neil Hepburn (AKA Beau Bo D'Or)

Homer as Rembrant by Dave Barton

Sleeping with Big Al. Credit unknown.

Cardboard Cars by Layefa Agwosi, Aimi Awang, Jihye Baek, Sally Barrett-Spring, Sarah Cupitt, Alice Dupre, Jonathan Harris, Andrew Maylin, Saori Ogawa, Chris Packer, Yun Park aaaand Chris Walsh (*exhale*)

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