Worst ad placement 2006 - Gas company ad near Auschwitz

Seeing this I caught myself exclaiming "No effing way!" (Yeah, I even said "effing", sadly), but it seems to be the real deal, with real consequences and even a real apology from the paper where this mishap happened.

I hereby nominate this to the worst ad placement of 2006.

E.ON extoiling their gas delivery skills, next to an article on Auschwitz. (Yes effing way!)

See the ad for yourself at Social Design Notes. https://www.backspace.com/notes/2006/01/27/x.html

"E.ON provides today for the gas of tomorrow!"

You can't make this stuff up.

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The paper later published an apology to the author, readers, and energy company for the ad placement, claiming they had not checked the content of the ad.

Must not be a popular newspaper. Apparently, even the employees of the paper don't read it.