Sony Bravia commercial brings up terrorist reminders?

Le sigh. According to Marketing Week the new "Paint" ad for Sony Bravia has received complaints from TV viewers for reminding them of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Sony and Fallon have stressed that the housing estate was empty and scheduled for demolition, while the paint used was non-toxic and a team of 60 people spent five days cleaning up the site after the shoot.

An Advertising Standards Authority spokeswoman confirms the regulator has received at least two complaints from viewers who found the ad disturbing and felt that it was inappropriate "in today's climate of terror." The ASA is considering whether to launch an investigation.

src="">"Paint" ad for Sony Bravia has received complaints from TV viewers for reminding them of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Sony and Fallon have stressed that the housing estate was empty and scheduled for demolition, while the paint used was non-toxic and a team of 60 people spent five days cleaning up the site after the shoot.

An Advertising Standards Authority spokeswoman confirms the regulator has received at least two complaints from viewers who found the ad disturbing and felt that it was inappropriate "in today's climate of terror." The ASA is considering whether to launch an investigation.

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Neo's picture

Oh PUH-LEEZE. This has got to stop. Next thing you know, they'll ban kids ballons because it reminds oldtimers of the Hindenburg.

Robblink's picture

Yeah, and the Sony Bravia Balls spot was a terrible reminder of the tsunami in Asia.

caffeinegoddess's picture

bwahaha! I just nearly did a spit take reading that!

caffeinegoddess's picture

Finally a decision was made, and after 4 complaints, the ASA won't be doing an investigation. At least someone is using their brain.