DIY Advertising - Flea Market Montgomery

The Flea Market in Montgomery Alabama proves that you don't need a big ad budget or even an ad agency to create a popular commercial. Well, it's not great, it's just popular on the Internet.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Thta is brilliant in it's low-budgetness.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Great! So much better than the local furniture ads around here where they yell at you.

RLDavies's picture

Ooh, scary eyes in those close-ups! But I don't think I'll ever forget the main thrust of their argument... even though I'm never likely to be within a thousand miles of Montgomery.

Robblink's picture

Oh wait a minute....I have another great commercial to add to the DIY Advertising collection - Moo & Oink: