We want YOU to broadcast LIVE from Cannes lions.

So it's 2009 and in the midst of and economic downturn, you're not going to Cannes. There won't be a DDB party on Friday night, Publicis are sending half their usual delegates, and canceling their Thursday night bash. Havas will not hold it's Havas Café by the beach, Leo Burnett are probably cancelling their party as well. Woe is us.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could be a fly on the wall in Cannes and get to see all the gossip anyway, despite being stuck at home? Well you can, with us! (ps - flies wanted!)

Not all adgrunts will be in the office during Cannes Lions - some adgrunts will actually be there (me included). And we'll be your spies in Cannes with the help of video-equipped cellphones and this neat hookup to Bambuser.

All you adgrunts have to do is check your settings at https://adland.tv/user/me/bambuser, and when you point and shoot as someone pushes a creative director into the pool at the Martinez, it will air live on Adland's front page.
No hassle with hashtags, just point and Bambuse. If you ever wanted a global audience to hear your opinion on everything hanging in the Cannes Lions shortlist basement, just bambuse straight from your phone to us and you've got it.

All you adgrunts stuck at home, don't worry, despite the economic meltdown, there will still be plenty of crazy to go around, as I recall the "Dutch parties" we held in Cannes waybackwhen didn't have great budgets, just a very nutty team of "Party-Sluts" to arrange it - and equally crazy performers willing to blow their heads off.

I might not be smuggling fireworks into France this time around, but I will be thinking up crazy as usual. See you in Cannes!

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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mpared's picture

this will be very cool! i love the new and improved adland .... although it seems that now everybody twitter's and nobody is commending ! :-(

Dabitch's picture

Haha, yeah twitter has become mighty popular. As for the live video (which will be given a more prominent place on the front page once it is officially Cannes week), I'm half expecting some crazy young lions kids to get me sued by stalking people. ;P

Shika's picture

That'll be my brief then. Count on me.

oc's picture

Allt är mycket, mycket snyggt.

Dabitch's picture

Tackar, du såg ju när det vara var halvfärdigt dessutom, det var ju detta jag försökte bygga på när vi satt på mim09, men jag blev så distraherad av "geocities". Heee.

oc's picture

Det var oerhört svårt att överhuvudtaget slita blicken från scenen.

Neo's picture

This is awesome. I'm not going this year so I'm COUNTING on you all to broadcast when my creative director ends up in the gutter outside the gutter bar, clutching a bronze lion and sobbing that we were robbed of the grand prix.

Dabitch's picture

There's actually an unwritten law that we don't do that.