Starship Foundation - Father & Son - (2009) :60 (New Zealand)

Tearjerker of the day (as, yes, it made me properly misty), this spot from DDB New Zealand and Sweet Shop director Steve Ayson nails the thought every parent has when they'd give anything to trade places with their sick child.

Client : Starship Foundation
Agency : DDB New Zealand
Production Company: The Sweet Shop
Director : Steve Ayson

Brett Colliver and Natalie Knight : Creative team
Ian McCarroll : DoP
Toby Talbot : Executive Creative Director
Adam Kanzer : Creative Director
The Butchery : Editor
Judy Thompson : Agency Executive Producer
Kim Baldwinson : Agency Producer
Cindy Kavanagh : Producer
Sound Studio: Liquid Studios.
Music: Grizzly Bear.
Post Production: Perceptual Engineering.
Account Director: Sandra Jonkers
Account Manager: Vanita Mistry

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phon's picture

I love this ad. It definitely pulls at the heartstrings.

Dabitch's picture

Oh yeah. "Properly misty" is a total understatement. Damn.