Goezy (Laxative) - The art of uncorking - Gallery with toilet paper sculptures

To launch the Mega Lifesciences laxative brand Goezy with minimum budgets that maximized hype, we decided to recreate the feeling of having to spend hours in the toilet when you are constipated.

We briefed Artists to create sculptures on the theme struggle using toilet paper. The sculptures were later exhibited in art galleries. Each piece carried titles (ex: Clutch, Grimace, etc.) which mentioned the artists name and the number of hours spent in the loo. Goezy took ownership of helping relieve the artists of constipation.

Phoenix Ogilvy & Mather

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

If this is the kind of thing one gets to do to pharma-clients, I am SO packing my bags and moving to Sri Lanka! Fun stuff, well done. :)

andromeda's picture

Holy crap. (This is great)

PhoenixOgilvy's picture

thanks, guys! more to come!