PENNY - The Wish / What do you want for Christmas, Mom? (2021) 3:30 (Germany)

The direction and cinematography of this ad are exceptional. A young man asks his mother what she wants for Christmas, and she tells him. She wishes he'd sneak out at night to get drunk. She wishes he'd let his grades slip because everything else seems more important. She wishes he'd throw a party, find that girl he loves and tell her he loves her, and that she would break his heart. She wishes he'd just get out there. She wishes that he'd get his youth back. By the end, I'm in tears - and somehow this sells the chain of budget supermarket shops?
Never mind that, the craft, directing, storytelling, cinematography, and acting here is top-notch, just enjoy it for being brilliantly done. The casting is quite excellent, I believe this is his mother just on the way he looks at her, and how she looks at him. 


"In our ode to the lost moments of youth, we compared the oppressiveness of the pandemic with the warmth of family life by turning the conversation into a chamber drama set entirely in the family home. Seamless camerawork sweeps the viewer along, immerses us in the scenes and allows us to travel through time and experiences. With our film, we conveyed the feeling of an entire coming-of-age in its four-minute runtime and captured the zeitgeist of teenagers and their parents. We’ve reached more than 20 mill. people with an organic reach of 50 %. We generated more than 100 press reviews and more than 25 mill. euro in earned media. We have no results in sales, since it was solely an image campaign. Our goal to spark a conversation about the lost youth of a generation totally succeeded and PENNY as well was not the talk of town, but the talk of the nation."

Client: PENNY

Ad Agency: Serviceplan, Munich

Director: Marcus Ibanez

Production company: Iconoclast Germany

Music: cover of Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life” sung by Julius Gause

Principal talent: Julius Gause

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I am beyond excited that this just won the GRAND PRIX for Film craft at Cannes Lions 2022. Well deserved!

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Amazing ad.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This is one of the best pieces of filmmaking that I've ever seen, but I'm note sure I would call it an amazing ad. I have no idea how this connects to a budget supermarket.