R.O.O.M. advertises without furniture

Stockholm ad agency SWE created the campaign for R.O.O.M. which dares to advertise a furniture store without showing any furniture.

"Advertising for furniture stores has traditionally centered around who has the best design and who can present it with the best looking photographs of it" said Klas Litzén, founder of SWE in a press release.

SWE choose to go the opposite way, and show no furniture at all.
(read more to see the ads)

Playing with the fact that those who have well designed furniture at home, will probably miss it when they aren't at home the campaign centers around beautiful shots of paradise islands.

"Homesickness can hit you anywhere" reads a small line of copy, letting the viewer imagine what well-designed furniture could beat a walk on a gorgeous white sanded beach.

Andreas Hellström is the Art director, together with Johan Skogh as Copywriter on this campaign.
Mikaela Nelson, Björn Hedlund and Ulf Enander handle the account.

R.O.O.M has shops in Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen, dubbed the "Ikea for rich people" it has both classic and classy Scandinavian Designs.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Great idea - doing the old zig-zag. Our furniture brand clients would never have the balls.

Neaner's picture

That line is perfect. Spot on.

Robblink's picture

It's a good corporate branding campaign that lets it stand out from all the other furniture shop ads. But will it move overpriced couches from their showroom? I don't know.

caffeinegoddess's picture

What beautiful shots.

Dabitch's picture

In the right media (say House and Garden and similar interior design magazines) this DPS press will really stand out next to the pretty shots of pretty funiture, I'm sure.

Badly placed (other media) it might get glazed over and quickly interpreted as a travel ad.

The palm tree reminds me of a Arne Jacobsen recliner, actually. I don't know if that was intentional but it works for me. ;)

Sport's picture

I doubt this will work - not because of the same reasons the American launch of Infinity failed (the advertising audience in Sweden is quite different from a US ad audience) but because it is simply not branding enough. I've only seen these two examples so who knows what the agency SWE has up their sleeve, but so far I'm not getting a branded feel.

What db says below, about the palm tree reminding her of a recliner, would be a smart move. Next time you do pretty landscapes at SWE, add a rock that looks a bit like a designer chair. Then you will be stepping more into the realms of branding and away from clever for clevers sake.

IMHO of course, YMMV.

Dabitch's picture

You are right, the success of this depends on media placement.

Dabitch's picture

I just saw one of these ads in a mag that came with Politiken - not a good media buy, this doesn't look good in newspaperprint. I didn't mistake it for a travell ad though.