Captain Morgan - Prism (print ad)

We don't need no advertising
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the conference room
Account executives leave the creatives alone
Hey account executive leave us creatives alone
All in all it's just another grunt in the agency
All in all you're just another grunt in the agency

Captain Morgan

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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claymore's picture

I like it - especially since it doesn't have one of those damn photos where they "paint" a pirate mustache and goatee on some guy or gal. Perhaps they finally figured out that all their print ads from that last few years sucked serious bilge rat. Arrrrrrr!

Hmm... the typical ROYGBIV of the spectrum has been reduced to just the parrot colors. Now it reminds me more of the suspenders that Robin Williams wore when he played Mork. And that's ok.

Dabitch's picture

I would have loved this ad if it had no line whatsover rather than that "upload your senses" crap. Nothing irks me more than misuse of techie terms. And wouldn't it have looked damn cool without a line? Hmm. Maybe it's just me....(?)

Dabitch's picture

Bah, maybe I was just cranky. here's another rainbow prism in the 1981 "Discover Atari" commercial. :)

Sport's picture

as the line really doesn't add or solve anything in regards to the image, I too think it would have been good without the line. "Techie terms" don't irk me like that, but I still don't understand what they mean by it...

claymore's picture

Hmm... the "upload" thing works with the prism visual if you think way back to Tron. All it needs is a little neon dude with a frisbee floating up in the rainbow stream to us rum users.

Dabitch's picture

hehehe. and Tron is one of my fave movies too. ;)

caffeinegoddess's picture

Maybe the copywriter felt they didn't contribute enough to the ad so they made the visit their site line more interesting (or attempted to anyway). Does that font size seem too large to anyone? I would have liked it a bit better if it was a couple pts smaller. Leave the visual to do the work.

Dabitch's picture

Hunter gatherer version of Prism on a nice black t-shirt.

AnonymousCoward's picture

! I like the Atari commerical better!