Kellog's Pop-Tarts to sponsor "Dumb-ass"

MTV is coming out with a new show, a take on Jackass called "Dumb ass" and Pop-Tarts will be the sponsor. Pop-Tarts will use the line "Parents don't get them", and will run on-pack promotions for the show as well as air ads during it.

Why "Dumb-ass"? It fits Pop-Tarts target market like a hand in glove, a quick look at a pack shows inane Warming Instructions, as if one couldn't figure out to "Remove pastry from pouch" before "warm pastry in toasting appliance". Crazy kids out there have already done jackass/dumbass combos and set strawberry pop-tarts on fire in toasters just for the heck of it.

Michael Allen, marketing director at Kellogg's, said to the MediaBulletin: "Sponsoring the Dumb Ass strand on MTV will enable Kellogg's Pop Tarts to associate with well-established programming that matches the irreverent and non-conformist values of Pop Tarts."
We think that Pop-tarts will be right at home on this show.

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