Coming AdTractions winner = The Art Director's Time Sheets

Claymore, the man with the witty pen has done it again and won the coming Adtractions competition. While the trailers to other ad-movies like the retro themed Slasher, the scary idea of the Morning After the Agency Holiday Party, the world famous Kill Your Darlings, The Attendee, FLAT BROKE and The return of the customer all sound like they would make great straight to video movies the jury fell for the all too recognizable event described in Claymores The Art Director's Time Sheets.
The lucky sod will receive a set of 20 jewelboxings, a.k.a the only way for a digital portfolio to travel in style. Congrats and thanks all for playing!

In a building beyond imagination
A building that scrapes the sky
One man
On the fifty-third floor
Is about to run out of time.

He has two hours to reconstruct
the last three months of his life
or he will be killed...


His copywriter partner is missing.
His traffic manager doesn't care.
And his AEs are going to write off the time anyway,
But if he fails in this one mission...
It's all over, until next time.

The Art Director's Time Sheets
Coming due in an agency near you.

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