Japanese TV ad retreats after accusations of racism

They really didn't mean to be racist they say, but cosmetics maker Mandom Corp realise how bad their ad might look to some and have decided to pull it off the air.
In the ad for men's blotting paper, several black people wipe the sweat off their faces with the paper, while a chimpanzee beside them wearing an Afro wig and a multicoloured outfit wipes his face in imitation.

"A human rights group criticised it after it began airing March 28, saying it was comparing black people with monkeys." said the Japan Times Online.

Immediately afterword a primates rights group accused the Human rights group of not knowing a great ape from a monkey if it bit them in the arse. No, I'm joking, but I would have loved that.


Mandom consulted with their ad agency and lawyers and decided to pull the ad because it "lacked an international sense of ethics."
"We are very sorry. We apologise to viewers and other people who felt offended," said Motonobu Nishimura, a company executive.

No word yet of when they are going to apologise for that giggle-worthy company name.
(Footnote: "mandom" is a in Swedish "manhood"... as in polite euphemism for the one-eyed snake.)

src="adland.tv/atsby-monkey-2005-30-japan">Gatsby - Monkey (2005) :30 (Japan)


Mandom consulted with their ad agency and lawyers and decided to pull the ad because it "lacked an international sense of ethics."
"We are very sorry. We apologise to viewers and other people who felt offended," said Motonobu Nishimura, a company executive.

No word yet of when they are going to apologise for that giggle-worthy company name.
(Footnote: "mandom" is a in Swedish "manhood"... as in polite euphemism for the one-eyed snake.)

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