Hot PS2 advertising campaign- Duel and War

Yesterday, MarketingWeb out of South Africa reported that the latest campaign for Sony Playstation created by South African TBWA Hunt Lascaris has topped the charts on Adcritic and Adforum and has been selected by Shots to be featured on the Cannes Contenders reel. Yet the ads, originally created as spec, have not yet been aired there.
The campaign spots "War" and "Duel" were conceptualized by Paul Warner and directed by Velocity Film's Keith Rose. Music for one spot is a version of Alphaville's "Forever Young."

Warner claims that the ads haven't been aired in South Africa because they were developed for the North American market.

He explains that John Hunt, worldwide creative director of TBWA Worldwide, has initiated virtual teams consisting of people from around the world, to work on big brand concepts across the TBWA network. This prevents creative teams from getting too tied up in their own small world. It also allows them to stretch their creativity on an international level.

In developing the concept for the ads, Warner had been looking at other Playstation ads and came to the conclusion that they were missing the connection to the players.

"I wanted to demonstrate what it's like emotionally to get involved in a Playstation game. To show how the players 'become' the characters in the games they play," he says. "I wanted to physically show them, and visually drain them."

Produced as spec by both the agency and Velocity Films, the ads took 8 months to finish, cost R3-million and was filmed in Cape Town. Lucky for both parties, Sony liked the concept. interviewed Keith Rose this month, and calls them "probably the strongest and the best work that I've ever done."

PS2- Duel

PS2- War

Ad Agency: TBWA Hunt Lascaris Johannesburg
Creative Director: Paul Warner
Art Director: Paul Warner
Copywriter: Paul Warner
Agency Producer: Chantel Kriel
Director: Keith Rose
Production Co.: Velocity Films Cape Town
Producer: Karen Kloppers
Director Of Photography: Keith Rose
Post Production Co.: The Refinery Johannesburg And Cape Town
Editor: Willie Saayman City Cuts Jhb
Music: V/V/M London
Mixers: Andrew Stansfield-Videolab & Rob Schroeder

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