1one - Jesus - in a marketing meeting - (2015)

Montreal-based creative production company 1one creates mind blowing stunts and brand experiences. Their specialty is helping brands and agencies make amazing stunts happen. In this clip, they take credit for creating the most famous "stunt" in history, Jesus walking on water. Jesus is no stranger to being used in self promotional advertising, so he's seen the inside of a marketing meeting before. The son of God walked around London for Mother this christmas, and picked logos for McCann-Erickson. Aiming for a life of Brian funny, we're landing somewhere in rather familiar self-mocking territory. Props for the casting.

“With the evolution of media, and the viewer becoming more intelligent (and cynical) towards traditional advertising, we need to create stunts that can't look like anything short of amazing,” says Jean-René Parenteau, executive producer and associate, 1one. “When it comes to doing that, you want an expert, not someone who's just hoping they can pull it off. This has been our focus for the past five years. Stunts aren't a new trend for us. It's what we've always done and focused our expertise towards.”

“Between the moment the creative team thinks of an amazing stunt and the moment millions see it and it wins awards, there is a lot of stuff that can go wrong,” adds Philippe Comeau, copywriter, lg2, who wrote the “Jesus” spot. “In fact, very often, reality keeps the stunt from ever being filmed. That is exactly why 1one Production exists. It frees creatives to think of any stunt, the impossible becomes possible.”

1one is considering expanding to include an office in Toronto, but for now that market is served by a representative. In the meantime, the production company will continue to service clients wherever the need arises.

Client: 1one Production
Agency: lg2
Copywriter: Philippe Comeau
Director: Pierre Dalpé
DOP: Barry Russell
Producer: Jean-René Parenteau
Production House: 1one Production
Music and Sound Design: 1one Production

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