Body Shop - Good Girl - Be more than beautiful - (2014) (Malaysia)

The campaign that began with Speak up continues with "Good Girl", finishes with Unnatural Beauty.

"When I grow up, I will be a good girl.
I will cross my legs. Sit up straight. Be soft, gentle and sweet.
I will let you eat first. Follow the rules. Be home before dark.
Clean up after you. Let you eat first.
I will never be bossy or pushy.
I will stop working when I have kids.
And if I'm paid less, I won't complain.
I will do all this if you continue to let it happen -
If you don't teach me now, to be strong, independent and confident,
or encourage me to believe in myself.
So that I can be more than beautiful."

Ad agency: Grey, Kuala Lumpur
ECD: David Sin
Creative Director: Ramanjit Singh Gulati
Creative Director: Andrew Fong
Writers: Ramanjit Singh Gulati, Nadia McDonald, Jessica Wong
Planning Director: Lubna Khan
Audio: TWOAM

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