Coca Cola - Happiness = Emoji URL's for all - Emoticoke (2015)

Coca-Cola Puerto Rico and DDB furrowed their brows one day, pondering on how to spread happiness on the web, much like the Happiness twitter bot did with the Ascii art replies, until Gawker trapped it into tweeting Hitlers Nazi message. "What is happy?" I'm sure someone scribbled on a pad before drawing smiley faces and here's where brilliance hit, emoji's are all smiley faces and we can now make Emoji-web addresses. Someone at DDB Puerto Rico has a geek streak. Emojis are understood by all, people who speak different languages and by people who can't even read. They are the truly global way expression emotions.

Coca Cola then registered every Emoji-URL that expresses happiness. Giggles, laughter, LOLs and smiles. And all of these happy roads now lead to Rome... Er.. The Coke Puerto Rico website. Tap tap on your phone and presto, you're at Coke's site. This is of course followed up with bright smiling posters all over Puerto Rico announcing how to get to Coke's website.

"Coca-Cola seeks to create emotional connections in an innovative way, evolving according to what consumers adopt to relate to each other, so we saw the opportunity to adopt the popular 'emojis' to promote the expression of happiness that sets us apart ", - Andrea Puig, Brand Manager for Coca-Cola Puerto Rico.

“The vast majority of our audience now visits our website via a mobile device. And since emojis have become a kind of second language for Coke’s younger consumers, we felt this was a great opportunity to connect on a deeper level with our most important demographic,” - Alejandro Gómez, Coca-Cola Puerto Rico’s President.

Client: Coca-Cola Puerto Rico
Agency: EJE DDB
Chief Creative Officer: Enrique Renta
Creative Director: Santiago Cuesta
Associate Creative Director: Ricardo Uribe
Copywriters: Santiago Cuesta, Ricardo Uribe, Juan Romero, Nuria De La Banda
Art Director: Jesse Echevarria, Luis Figueroa
VP Managing Partner: Edgardo Manuel Rivera
Account Executive: Alexandra Ramírez
PR Account Executive: Jennifer González
Digital Director: Janette Robles
Digital Planning: José Ramón González, Anadys Félix
Programmer: Daniel Sáenz
Video: Alejandro Ussa

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