Dial for men - "Camp Dirt" - case study.

The best part of any bath or shower is getting dirty. No, not that kind of dirty (well... ok, yeah that too), I mean the grime-kind of dirty. Little kids know this, and now grown men got to be little kids again at Camp Dirt where there's was a proper slimey mud-slide, a paintball 'pocolypse zone, a mud-superbowl, bobcat racing, the occasional nosebleed and all kinds of dirty muddy fun. Philly-based agency Red Tettemer + Partners created this "Camp Dirt" for Dial for Men. The ultimate, one-of-a-kind, fantasy filth-fest. From 160,000 entrants, 20 were chosen to come and wear their dirt like a badge of honor. Good times. (Even Whisk knows Dirt is fun, but Dial is for you, not your clothes. )

Ad agency: Red Tettemer + Partners

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