Girl Guides of Canada / Perspectives on a Girl - Different - (2009) 1:41 (Canada)

Oh sure, I act all tough but when a really pretty 'paper cut' animation tells the sweet story about a Chinese girl who just wants to fit in, and all the girls find their similarities and become friends, I get all misty eyed. A very sweet story, exceptionally animated. So cute!

Perspectives on a Girl is the first annual Girl Guides of Canada online film festival created by john st., Toronto. The inaugural collection of nine short films, posted at, have been created by talented female artists as an artistic expression of the issues young women face today - revealing why now, more than ever, Girl Guides is a necessary aspect of a young girl’s life.

Watch also Explore, the slow motion seduction that is dream and the teaser / launch ad I am a girl.

The films are all created around the theme “Girls need Guides”. The artists and directors were asked to delve into issues young girls face as they try to grow up right in Canada today - and become confident, resourceful and courageous and able to make a difference in the world.

”Canadian girls are at risk,” says Jennifer Rossini, Copywriter, john st. “We all know it. It’s enough for girls to deal with the everyday pressures of growing up – making friends, discovering interests, doing well in school, just being happy.” Continues Rossini. “But now, every day, girls are bombarded by media and commercial messages,” adds Angus Tucker, Co-Creative Director, john st. “They’re bullying each other, they’re discovering the dangers of the internet, spending less and less time outdoors and more and more time in front of computers and television, feeling pressure to lose weight and have sex…and they’re still experiencing racism and discrimination, even now.” Says Tucker.

“That’s exactly why Girl Guides is more important than ever today,” says Elizabeth Yeung, Manager of Marketing and Strategic Alliances, Girl Guides of Canada. “Guides knows girls and girls are the very foundation of Guides - an organization which gives every girl tools for her future by providing a non-threatening, non-judgmental environment where girls can safely share and authentically connect with each other. Girl Guides mission is ‘Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada enables girls to be confident, resourceful, and courageous and to make a difference in the world’”.

Different " by Alchemy featuring Jennifer Rossini and Elizabeth Whalen

Client: Girl Guides of Canada
Project: Girl Guides Online Film Festival

Agency: john st., Toronto
Creative Directors: Stephen Jurisic, Angus Tucker
Art Direction: Jamie Webster
Interactive Art Director: Daniel Saunders
Writers: Jennifer Rossini, Elizabeth Whalen
Broadcast Producer: Nicole Andrisevic
Interactive Producer: Ryan O’Hagan
Project Managers: Robyn Crookshank, Tara Giacinti

Production Company: Alchemy
Director: Anthony Burns and Eric Makila
Director of Photography: Anthony Burns
Executive Producer: Stefani Kouverianos
Character design/Illustration: Harley and Boss (Nathan Jurevicius and Andrea Kang)
Animation& Compositing: Eric Makila and Anthony Burns
Music & Sound Design: Six Degrees (Via Lunch)

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