Killing a humanitarian is like killing those he helped - ACF and TBWA\PARIS

In August 2006, in Sri Lanka, 17 Action against Hunger humanitarians were murdered.
Following that unpunished massacre, we had to put an end to our action in this country.
With no prospect of an international investigation, Action against Hunger trusted TBWA\PARIS with the mission to accompany the publication of " The Truth About Muttur " report.
Before the Human Rights Day on December 10th, Action against Hunger & TBWA\PARIS raised awareness on the violence against humanitarians: actions which in fine deprived population in need of vital help and resources.

Odéon Metro Station, line 4, Paris, VIth
On the platform, a spectacular installation for a tragic story: an Action against Hunger humanitarian, shot in the head.

Commuters follow the bullet going through a series of prints, shooting a bottle of water, a flour bag, an oil can, symbols of the essential help humanitarians bring to those in need.

White letters on a black background, the sentence “Killing a humanitarian is like killing those he helped” concludes the drama.

Commuters are then invited to support the protection of humanitarian help by signing directly on the last print: the first 4x3 billboard.

In the wake of the Human Rights Day, 5000 people have already brought their support to the campaign.

Ad agency: TBWA/Paris

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