Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort - metal detector - (2009) :30 (USA)

This year Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort introduced 1-hour flight service to Los Angeles. In this ad David&Goliath show us just how close the snowy peaks of Mammoth are to sunny LA.

Agency: David&Goliath

CCO: David Angelo
ECD: Colin Jeffery
CD: Ben Purcell
Art Director: Laurenne Sala
Copywriter: Mike Van Linda
EP: Carol Lombard
Producer: Carrie Lighthall

Director: Jeff Aron Lable
Production Company: Propeller Inc.
EP: Rafael Aguilo
Producer: Matthew Rudge
DP: Jeff Venditti
Editorial Company: The Whitehouse
Editor: Heidi Black
Assistant Editor: Rachael Connelly
Sound: POP Sound
Mixer: Stephen Dickson
Assistant Mixer: Nick Bozzone
Telecine: New Hat
Colorist: Bob Festa
VFX: Ring Of Fire
Music: Felt, "Deep Down"

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