Richard Gorodecky, Amsterdam Worldwide

We had a chat with Richard Gorodecky, the Executive Art Director of Amsterdam Worldwide at the terrace of the Majestic Hotel in Cannes on the very last day of the Cannes Lions 2010 festival, about craft and engaging todays consumer.

The only advertising that gets noticed is the advertising that people like, or want to engage in.

He stresses that you can not lie in advertising, in fact you can't lie about anything, ever, these days, as you'll be found out in nanoseconds. Brands are built on truth, integrity and great storytelling. We soon veer off talking about smugscreens and as a bonus, Richard does his Cannes Lions impression.

Really great ideas are rare as rocking-horse shit.

Amsterdam worldwide won gold for their Tansu Shoe, see the case study here: Onitsuka Tiger - Tansu Shoe - (2010) Gold lion

Interviewer: Åsk Dabitch Wäppling

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