TEDx Short Film - The Glass Era (2014) 1:00 (Canada)

In the future, TED talks had no chance to monetize important information by selling tickets to hear people who don't get paid to provide such information. Why? Because of Glassholes. Get it? People who wear Google glass? They even mock hipsters here, too. I thought TED was supposed to be smart?

Creative Agency: Capital C
Chief Creative Officer: Gary Watson
Creative Director: Raul Garcia
Copywriters: Alex Bird, Andrew Payne, Geoff Morgan
Art Directors: Jess Toye, Raul Garcia
Agency Producer: Margaret Callaghan
Account Director: Hanh Vo
Client: Annie Horricks

Production Company: Someplace Nice
Director: Sean McBride
Exec Producer: Estelle Weir
Line Producer: Robbie McNamara

Editorial Company: Married To Giants
Executive Producer: Denise Shearer
Editor: Monica Remba
Online: Trevor Corrigan

VFX/Matte Painting: TOPIX
VFX Executive Producer: Sylvain Taillon
VFX Senior Producer: Christina Lord
VFX & Matte Painting Supervisor: Andrew Nguyen
Modeler & CG Artist: Ronak Shah

Music/Audio: Grayson Matthews
Talent Direction: Jono Holmes
Casting: Shasta Lutz, Jigsaw Casting
Colourist: Conor Fisher, Alter Ego

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