Corinthians - 30 Million Sponsors - (2016) 1:43 (Brazil)

Corinthians is one of the biggest clubs in the world, two-time world champion and current Brazilian champion. But, despite being the winning team in most games, Corinthians do not have the same money as the richest teams in the world. They have something worth more than gold though, they have 30 million fans.

The Corinthians called their fans to participate to an unprecedented event during the games, titled "30 Million Sponsors". The fans would sing jingles to help the club. The louder the jingle, the more money was raised and the more the club earns. "30 million Sponsors" transformed the chanting of the fans into a new medium, helping the club to make more money through the sponsors. "30 Million Sponsors" was created by the Brazilian advertising agency DM9DDB for Corinthians and had support from major advertisers.

It's a clever twist on the fans, using their chants as an advertising media. Meanwhile in hockey Club Davis created Rink Bingo. It's sad that sports teams that have so many fans aren't getting enough sponsorships to support the team, but it's certainly bring out the creativity at agencies to solve this problem.

Agency: DM9DDB
Client: Corinthians
Title: 30 Million Sponsors
Chief Creative Officer: Aricio Fortes
Executive Creative Director: Paulo Coelho
Creative Directors: Adriano Alarcon, Carlos Schleder
Art Diretor: Rafael Segri
Copywriter: Filipe Medici, Samir Mesquita
Production Company: Academia de Filmes
Director: João Wainer
Editor: German Espiaut
Photos by: Daniel Kfouri
Sound: A9 Audio

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