ESPN - Head boils / Mirror - (2008) : 30 (USA)

Agency: Ground Zero / Los Angeles
Hmmm, wonder if they watched some ad movies like "How to get ahead in advertising"?

Creative Director: Court Crandall
Copywriter: Jimbo Embry
Art Director: Mike Bokman
Agency Executive Producer: Candace Bowes
Agency Producer: Brian Creech
Executive Producer: Bonnie Goldfarb
Producer: Francie Moore
Director: Michael Downing
Prod. Co. : Harvest

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Wendall's picture

I can't access the ad itself, but that picture is really creepy...

Dabitch's picture

It's as silly as you think it is.

Toste's picture

What is this bizarro week in Adland? First lacing feet, now this.

piedmont77's picture

It's nice to see that ESPN's finally getting away from a bunch of gags of athletes and hosts hanging around an office.

tod.brody's picture

I'd rather see a bunch of guys hanging around an office than hanging around someone's chest.