Film Monoprix La bataille d'eau / water ballon fight - (2013)

This spot was created to launch a new brand signature: "Vivement Aujourd'hui", where every day doesn't have to be so every day. All I know is EPIC WATER BALLOON FIGHT! WOo!

Advertiser brand: Monoprix (France)
Advert title(s): Vivement aujourd'hui
Headline and copy text (in English): "Can't wait for today"

Advertising Agency: Rosapark, Paris, France
Agency website:
Founders : Jean-Patrick Chiquiar, Gilles Fichteberg, Jean-François Sacco

Creative Directors: Mark Forgan & Jamie Edward Standen
Production : QUAD
Director : Johnny Hardstaff
Producers : Amanda Stubb & François Brun
Post producer : Digital District, Cédric Herbet & Christelle Prud'homme
Sound : Schmooze/Matthieu Sibony
Music : "Bambina" by HOTEI/EMI
Published: March, 2013

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