Fontyou - Even Fonts get old

Fontyou is the first web application which allows artistic directors and agencies to manage their font through the cloud, which also enables us to discover and improve the most beautiful typefaces of the world and to evolve with the help of the last typographical trends. Gone are the days of slowing one studio mac down with every typeface available, and hello browse your font collection from any agency device. Upload your collection, classify and share with your agency allowing for better overview of what you have, better collaboration and better trendspotting. Dang, this is a clever thing.

And the campaign is adorable, showing that even fonts get old, these cartoons illustrated by Laurent Duvoux are a charming little peek into the world of tired old typefaces. The insight isn't just in the humor of that, but in the fact that all art directors and designers tend to apply personification to typefaces. If Saddam Hussein were a typeface, he'd be Futura Extra Bold condensed.

Watch the ads with this campaign, Fresh Fonts - Tired F, Fresh fonts - Tired H and my personal favorite the tired old T & cats.

Client : Fontyou
Agencies : TBWA\PARIS & \ELSE

Client Managers : Gregori Vincens & Valentine Proust
Agencies Managers : Brice Garçon & Maxime Boiron
Artistic Director : Cedric Moutaud
Copywriter : Vincent Pedrocchi
Head of TV : Maxime Boiron
Art buyer : Julie Champin

Illustrator : Laurent Duvoux

Production : \ELSE
Productor : Benjamin Piton
Direction / Animation : Boris Belghiti & Jonathan Bignon

Music & Sound
Production : \ELSE
Head of Music & Sound : Olivier Lefebvre
Artistic Direction & Direction : Philippe Mineur
Sound Design: Anais Khout & Eric Simonet
Mix: Anais Khout

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