The Fred Farid Lambert launch party

As we all know, Fred&Farid like to shake things up by starting new agencies every so often. I suspect it's because then they get to host a launch party. All the fat cats of advertising were there naturally, also great TV journalists, people from the cinema and fashion industries attendend, even the Minister of Culture and Communications Mr Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres was there. It was a bit of a who's who in the creative and media businesses, or the crème de la crème of Paris.

When they aren't hosting fabulous soirées, they're busy working. Since its creation on January 9th, Fred Farid Lambert have won 5 clients for global communication projects. They are: EuroNews, Bongrain, Lagardère Active Média, Centre Pompidou and United Biscuits. Also, as annouced by Pernod Ricard in Campaign this week, Fred Farid Lambert is shortlisted to pitch for the global Jameson advertising account.

Some of the guests - Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres (the Minister of Culture and Communications), Claire Chazal, Carole Bouquet, Jacques Séguéla, Tina Kieffer, Alexandra Golovanoff, Xavier de Moulins, Christian Blachas, Guillaume Durand, Gérald Marie, Karl Zéro, Marie Sara, Xavier Couture, David Vatinet, Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, Franz-Olivier Giesbert, Anne Barrère, Georges-Marc Benamou and even Jean-Michel Goudard.

When they aren't hosting fabulous soirées, they're busy working. Since its creation on January 9th, Fred Farid Lambert have won 5 clients for global communication projects. They are: EuroNews, Bongrain, Lagardère Active Média, Centre Pompidou and United Biscuits. Also, as annouced by Pernod Ricard in Campaign this week, Fred Farid Lambert is shortlisted to pitch for the global Jameson advertising account.

The blond lady above is Mrs Christophe Lambert - you guys distract her and I go raid her closet for fetching silk coats, okay? Oh c'mon, please do this for me, I want that coat so bad.

Everybody, say "fromage". Failing that say "quoi"?

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