GE "You can't unring a bell" (2017) 2:42 (USA)

The Ka Lay Wa Bell in Myanmar is one of the most important bells in Myanmar if not the world. It's also one of the loudest ones. Which is great for people who need to be summoned but not so great for other people, like mothers with newborns. GE decided to do an experiment with "destructive interference," to see if the population could have some peace and quiet. They challenged engineering students to see if they could put their heads together and come up with a solution. There were over 576 entries from thirty-five countries around the world. The winner was Chris Nguyen from Wisconsin-Madison University.
Based on Chris's theory, GE traveled to Myanmar to set up the experiment with a sleeping baby to see if the destructive interference would work. Guess what? It worked! How cool is that?!
And how cool was it for the creative director/producer/possibly creative team if there was budget, to go on this boondoggle of a trip?
As far as long-form content goes it's interesting enough and beautifully shot. The larger point is clear as a bell (sorry) which is: "if we can do that with a giant bell just imagine what we could do with stuff in your neck of the woods."

Agency: BBDO New York
Client: GE
Title: Unimpossible Missions – You Can’t Unring a Bell

Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide: David Lubars
Chief Creative Officer, New York: Greg Hahn
Executive Creative Director: Michael Aimette
Creative Director: Gary Du Toit
Creative Director: Lance Vining

Head of Production: David Rolfe
Executive Producer: George Sholley
Producer: Jack Patrick

Head of Music Production: Rani Vaz

Senior Account Director: Kathryn Brown
Account Director: Lindsey Cash
Account Executive: Elizabeth Jacobs
Production Company: Bullitt
Director: Diego Contreras
DP: Matyas Izsak Erdely
Chief Executive Officer: Todd Makurath
Executive Producer: Luke Ricci
Head of Production: Elicia Laport
Producer: Jon Dawes
Editorial: Cosmo Street/Trim Editorial
Executive Producer: Maura Woodward
Producer: Anne Lai
Editor: Paul Harcastle
Assistant Editor: Joshua Berger
Visual Effects: A52
Executive Producer: Patrick Nugent
Head of Production: Kim Christensen
Producer: Drew Rissman
VFX Supervisor: Andy Rafael Barrios
Telecine: Company 3
Producer: Rochelle Brown
Colorist: Tim Masick
Music Composer: Max De Wardener
Mix: Sonic Union
Producer: Justine Cortale
Engineer: Michael Marinelli

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