Gevalia - Johan / Motorcade - (2012) :60 (USA)

Gevalia want Americans to leave that standard cup of Joe alone and have a cup of Johan instead. This idea is presented by a long haired suave Swede as he flirts his way through an airport on his way to his motorcade, offering random women a ride because his coffee is like having a foot massage. What? Did we just mention feet while talking about Gevalia's aroma? As for the handsome Swedish flirty man stereotype, wow, I did not know we had these in Sweden WHERE HAVE Y'ALL BEEN HIDING GUYS? Seems most Swedish women don't know where these guys are, as everywhere I go in the world, someone will explain that they had Swedish girlfriend at some point. This is the new Viking era, we export sex. No I mean coffee. Sure. Good coffee is like sex. I like it like I like my men, dark, intense, and first thing in the morning. Never bitter? That doesn't sound Swedish.

Ad agency: TAXI

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