Got milk? - Goddess - (2013) :30 (USA)

Like great dreams with fantastic looking women swimming in pools and dancing in shadows with their layers of silk? Try having some milk before you go to bed mate. They say it helps.

“Love fantasies and flying are two of the most common dreams people have,” says Jeff Goodby of Goodby, Silverstein and Partners. “We wanted to bring these fantasies to life in a funny way to bring the message home: without the proper nighttime routine with milk, consumers may not be able to fully realize their dreams.”

Milk aids sleep? What about that phlegm? Ok, nevermind. Milk helps sleep because tryptophan, so here's a new twist and selling point for that "Got Milk" campaign where the tagline is growing increasingly irrelevant as the years go by. Still, not as awkward as when it's stuck on to that other mustache campaign (that I badlanded too).

Still need help falling asleep? Call 1-855-MILK-ZZZ and listen to the chants of a meditating monk.

Ad agency: Goodby, Silverstein and Partners
Client. The California Milk Board

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