Heineken - Joke (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

An adgrunt walks into a bar, plops himself down on a stool and says to the bartender, "So have you heard any good jokes lately?"

The bartender puts down the glass he was cleaning, looks up and replies, "If you're a Superadgrunt, shut up, click continue and watch this damn funny commercial. I'm busy here."

Client: Heineken

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

*purrfect* casting on little miss blonde! (she sounds a bit like Marilyn, no?)

that was funny, I actually howled a laugh.

anonymous's picture

................ the first Heineken ad i have ever seen that i Liked. What happened to their lifestyle crap? This isn't bad at all....

anonymous's picture

admit it, you like the blonde. ;-))

anonymous's picture

she reminds of Susanna Somers - without the thighmaster.

tlevitz's picture

Anonymous, you never even cracked a tiny smile at the keg can spots?

Blonds are just so easy (that actress was as dead-on as the Direc-TV installer guy, tho... would love to see him wander into the bar, too). Satan was my personal favorite.

anonymous's picture

my favorite was the long face... err.. horse.

Masterclass's picture

This is hilarious, I love the blonde, brunette and the redhead. The guy with the duck reminds me of a joke that I've forgotten years ago now.