Ingnited Minds' band takes on Secret Santas

Ignited Minds, an advertising agency out of Los Angeles, has created a fake metal band, or hired a band, called Karkis (there's also a myspace site here) in order to take on what they consider "one of the holidays more annoying customs, Secret Santa".

Their weapon of choice against this most tacky of holiday traditions has been the recently released self-produced Spinal Tap-inspired music video entitled "Secret Satan." In the video five band members garbed in their finest '80s metal regalia, rock out to a heavy metal Christmas anthem denouncing Secret Santa as the work of the devil.

"Since the media has already dubbed this year the War on Christmas, we figured it was time we address American's growing Secret Santa problem. The whole thing has gotten ridiculous and it's time we draw a line in the sand," said Mike Wolfsohn, vice president and creative director at Ignited Minds. "Through the power of humor and music it is our sincerest hope that we can halt the anonymous gifting of scented candles, picture frames and other stomach-churning tchotchkes under the guise of holiday cheer."

Sounds a lot like what CP+B did for Burger King with the Coq Roq band used in ads to promote their chicken fries back in July of this year.

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