Jackson Hewitt "Waitress" (2015) :15 (USA)

Jackson Hewitt is there for the working class heroes who work hard for their money.

Client: Jackson Hewitt
Agency: SS+K
Partner, Chief Creative Officer: Bobby Hershfield
Senior Vice President, Director of Production: John Swartz
Executive Producer: Christopher McLallen
Senior Copywriter: Lindsey Lanpher
Senior Art Director: Alyssa Georg
Vice President, Account Director: Katie Dahill
Senior Account Executive: Keri Cook
Account Coordinator: Cameron Reilly
Production Company: Believe Media
Director: Bruce Dowad
Executive Producer: Jannie McInnes
Producer: Jane Thomson
Director of Photography: John Houtman
Service Company: The Capital Media Company
Executive Producer: Christian Allen
Editorial: Lost Planet
Executive Producer: Krystn Wagenberg
Producer: Taylor Colbert
Editor: Jacks Genega
Assistant Editor: Kyle Grandmaison
Colorist: Sofie Borup for Company 3
Finishing by Nice Shoes

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