Jose Cuervo - Sold Out - (2010) :15

The adventure is on with a new three-spot Jose Cuervo campaign from Gorgeous@Anonymous Content Director Tom Carty. Working via JWT New York, Carty compactly delivers, in the series of :15s, the freewheeling sensibilities of Cuervo tequila as cleanly as a shot of the famous liquor.

Client: Jose Cuervo
Spots Title: Men's Business, Sold Out, Road Trip
Air Date: June 2010

Agency: JWT, New York
ECD(s): Tony Stern, Andy Clarke
AD: Roy Wisnu
CW: Chris Swift
Producer: Chris Klein

Prod Company: Gorgeous @ Anonymous Content
Director: Tom Carty
EP/Head of Commercials: Dave Morrison
Head of Production: Sue Ellen Clair

Editorial: The Whitehouse
Editor: Kevin Zimmerman
Assistant Editor: Ricardo Lopez
Producer: Melanie Klein

Telecine: The Mill
Colorist: Fergus McCall

Post/Effects: Ntropic
Lead VFX/Inferno Artist: Nate Robinson

Music: Thwak

Sound Design: JWTwo
Sound Designer: Andy Green

Shoot Location: Barcelona, Spain

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