Kaiser Permanente "Grow old with me" Spanish language version (2015) :60 (USA)

Here's the Spanish language version of Kaiser Permanente's "Grow Old With Me," spot, even with the Spanish version of the song. Nice touch, but too bad they didn't do a Spanish version of the gay couple's "Just married," sign. Ah well.

Client: Kaiser Permanente
Agency: Campbell Ewald
Chief Creative Officer: Mark Simon
Art Director: Vanessa Witter
Copywriter: Mark Simon
Executive Producer: John Haggerty
Business Affairs: Kelly Maines
Talent: Teri Kachler
Group Account Director: Zenaida Torres
Account Supervisor: Alyssa Tigue
Assistant Account Exec: Minji Lew
Production Company: AtSwim
Director: Noah Paul
EP: Mike Appel
Radio Production: LA Studios
Engineer: David Guerrero
Editing House: Union Editorial
Editor: Jim Haygood
Audio: Union Editorial

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