Kitten and a gun commercial for the Ungar Group, Chicago

Tom Ungar is a multi-talented individual who holds the position of creative director at his own boutique agency located in Chicago. Despite having a small team of only six full-time staff members and billings of approximately $9 million, the Ungar Group has managed to successfully capture the attention of many.

Recently, the agency gained widespread attention for creating a controversial print ad for Citizens for Capital Punishment, which was published in the Terre Haute (Ind.) Star-Tribune on the day Timothy McVeigh was executed. However, the Ungar Group has now shifted gears to focus on promoting itself with a well-executed television commercial. While most agencies opt for print or direct mail pieces to attract new business leads, Ungar has decided to take a different approach by taking to television.

"We didn't want to do what is the typical thing," said Ungar.

Some cat enthusiasts may feel uneasy upon viewing the latest 30-second advertisement. The ad cleverly employs an endearing kitten and unsettling visuals to convey a clear message about effective advertising. While the kitten plays with a ball of yarn, the scene shifts to show it staring down the barrel of a gun. The voiceover emphasizes the importance of advertising being..."simple, surprising and involving." The voiceover ends with the probing question: "Is yours?" while the Ungar Group logo flashes on the screen.

The spot shows that the right words and visuals make impactful ads.

Ungar's ad is slated to air over the next several weeks on CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ESPN, Fox News and Headline News.

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