LEGO - Kipper / Dragon / Mouse / Elephant (1980)

Narrated by Tommy Cooper, this awesome stop-frame animation advert was loved both by the ad industry as well as the public. It perfectly summed up why Legos are fun, while being fun.

In the advert, Lego bricks are transformed into a series of monsters and missile-eating machines. 

A resourceful mouse becomes a dog, a fire engine and a kipper when confronted by such adversaries as a fire-breathing dragon, a submarine and an elephant. Directed by Ken Turner and created by TBWA. This ad ran for several years, probably until 1983, with first air date in October 1980.

Director: Ken Turner 

Writer: Mike Cozens 

Art Director: Graham Watson 

Director of Photography: Tom Harrison 

Producer: David Mitten 

Editor: Patrick Udale

Production: Clearwater Films 

Ad agency: TBWA, London

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