Lost Cannes Lion

Tom Eriksen an employee at Farfar claims to have lost his Lion at the MSN Beach Party after the awards show. He's offering $1000 to the person who can recover his lost lion - or something resembling one.

I was drunk and I regret it.
Imagine yourself waking up the morning after you buried your employer’s Cannes Lion on some beach in Cannes. Sounds like a lot of fun until you realize you don’t remember where it was.

Anyhow, that’s me, stretched out in bed with hangover-angst pumping through my veins. (groan) To make things worse, I’ve only been with the company for three months. A company that was generous enough to send me on a 3-day vacation to claim the prize and bring it home. Now it’s buried somewhere on the beach of the Palm Beach Casino in Cannes.

Please help me get it back. The cost of replacing the lion is what a fast food employee earns in two months. Okay, I earn more but still, it’s a lot of money. I tell you what: If you help me find the lion I’ll give you $1000. No questions asked. Just return something resembling a golden Cyber Lion and I’ll happily hand you a thick wad of cash.

Tom claims this is not a prank or a game. One has to wonder if he is telling the truth or if he is full of the excrement of el toro. (via HiddenPersuader)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

el toro! el toro!
His reassurance that it is not a viral is having the opposite effect. Its kinda like when spammers say "this is not spam!"

Dude, I so wish I could believe you but if I do its just gonna turn out to be another game. Can't be arsed trying to help you out mate.

James Trickery's picture

I've seen people do some stupid shit with their Lions... But I still don't believe this guy.

marketallica's picture

I found their Cannes Lions at Technorati. Look at the results. Just in four days, 20 of advertising blog mention about them. None of agencies won Cannes create buzz about themselves like this. FarFar won Cannes lions for a viral work. With this story they took Cannes virally, too. They prove that creativity has penetrated their blood. Good job Farfar.

James Trickery's picture

It's interesting that in viral advertising it seems that "everyone talking about you" is the only goal. Never "everyone talking about you and saying that you're good".

Dabitch's picture

Tsss, details.
I AM VIRAL HEAR ME ROAR [flashes some tits].
I keed.

LPikon's picture

Damn, Dabitch!
You just flashed your tits while roaring....... and I missed it! :(

Dabitch's picture

Well, now you know that you have to hang around here 24/7 just in case it happens again. They're massive too yaknow. ;)

AnonymousCoward's picture

Only a Silver Lion in the cyber class? Dude, read the results again, that's el toro alright! Farfar won 1 gold and 2 silver lions.

Dabitch's picture

You are absolutly right. Took someones word for it, I should have looked it up myself but ran out of keyboardtime.

Andreas-Udd's picture

Utter crap. The whole 'gosh we're too cool for the Cannes awards' and we're wild and crazy guys attitude whilst hyping the damn award and the fact that you won one smells like old socks. Go away.

Dabitch's picture

Some late links - via Researcher (Swedish ad planner/writers blog) I found a locked linked toDagens Media (Swedens "campaign" light if you will) where someone at FarFar is quoted as saying:

I'm completly honest when I say that I don't know anything about this. Someone might have picked [the award] up, and if so we'd really like to have it back. I know one thing for certain: Tom did not dig the award up and made it a story. He was completly distraught after this happened.