Lynx / Axe - Paid Piper Revenge - (1995) 0:60 (UK)

If you don't pay the piper, he will take his revenge.

Brand:    Axe/Lynx
Agency:    BBH, London, United Kingdom
Creative Director:     Rosie Arnold
Copywriter:     Marc Hatfield
Art Director:    Pete Bradly
Production Company:    The Pink Film Company
Director:    Harald Zwart
Music:    BentleyRhythm Ace
Other credit:    Production Company Producer Bash Robertson
Agency Producer Jeremy Smith

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

This is my favorite Lynx ad. Over-the-top great.

Imanaddy's picture

I agree. All great ads tell a story. This one does it really well.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

The year is hardly 1995. 'Bentleys gonna sort you out' came out in 1997