Nando's - More South African Flavour / #MoreSAFlavour (2018) :45 (South Africa)

The Marvel "Black Panther" movie inspired a huge Afrofuturist trend, that Nando's is quite fed up with. CCO & creative partner at M&C Saatchi Abel, Neo Mashigo, says that the problem with this popular pan-African fusion approach is that it tends to erase diverse culture rather than to acknowledge it and encourage a more meaningful form of unity.

“There was a lot of Afrofusion and Afrofuturism in how Africa has been portrayed in the media and in advertising. And this was even before Black Panther! In an ad you’ll talk about ‘our’ culture, but when you see the person in the ad, you can’t identify what culture this person is from.
Anyway, it takes away from your actual culture and creates a combination of various things, that becomes meaningless. Nando’s took a point of view and said, ‘is this how we want to talk to people now?’ So we created ads that said, ‘ we are real people and this is how we are’.”

Brand: Nando’s
Chief marketing officer, Africa, Middle East, South Asia: Doug Place
GM, brand & strategy IMEA: Su-lise Tessendorf
Advertising & media manager southern Africa: Jake Johnstone
Agency: M&C Saatchi Abel
CCO & creative partner: Neo Mashigo
Copywriter: Bella Evans
Art director: Lubabalo Lubhi Mtati
Business director: Nadine Govender
Head of broadcast production: Bronwyn Henry
Production company: Darling
Director: Chloe Coetsee
Executive producers: Lorraine Smit, Melina McDonald
Producer: Mmameyi Mapule Mphahlele
Production manager: Zuko Nqoro
AD: Shelia Hall
DOP: Devin Toselli
Production art director: Lauren Wilensky
Post production: The Upstairs Ludus
Editor: Mark Ash
Music composition: Garrick Jones, Freq’ncy Audio/ Freq’ncy Music
Final mix: Sean Williams, Sterling Sound

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