Nissan - Chow Mein / Eddie Wise - (2009) :30 (USA)

Eddie Wise was originally intended to be a little larger but Director Craig Tanimoto thought his teeny size would make his interactions with the live actors appear all the more ludicrous, which is true. He's not only tiny, he's a "noodle guru".... who works in accounting. In this office break room scene Eddie congratulates coworker on not falling for the frozen path. Zoic Studios designed and animated Eddie.

Production Company: Bully Pictures
Live action director Craig Tanimoto.
Animation Director: Loni Peristere (Zoic)

Advertising Agency: Dentsu America / Santa Monica / CA
Senior Manager/Dentsu Tokyo: Masazumi Horie
EVP/ General Manager: Mike Parise
SVP/Creative Director: Sandep Rahi
Creative Director: Brad Gantt
SVP/Group Account Director: Diane Dreyer
Producer: Rhys Demery
Account Supervisor: Chihiro Shinoda

Editorial - Union Edit LA
EP - Michael Raimondi
Editor - Paul Plew

Character Animation, VFX and VFX editing: Zoic Studios.
EP: Steve Schofield
EP/Producer: Erik Press
VFX Supervisor Leslie Ekker
CG Supervisor: Andy Wilkoff
Producer: Erik Press
VFX Editorial: Dmitri Gueer
VFX Assistant: An Dang

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