Ogilvy Düsseldorf – No real beauties.

Dove soap’s European-wide "Campaign for Real Beauty" has taken on a local twist in Düsseldorf, Germany. The people next door at the local Ogilvy & Mather office have not only sold their souls to their client, but their bodies as well. These local posters are being used in conjunction with the real "Real" campaign and placed on bus stop shelters. The headline reads: "They’re not models, just soft Dove admen from Ogilvy Düsseldorf."

Previously on Dove's Real Beauty campaign:
Buxom babes for Dove March 29, 2004
Embracing Real Beauty January 18, 2005
Embracing Real Beauty (part 2)
Embracing Real Beauty (Part 3)

Notes from Dabitch:

The UK ad ladies behind the ad campaign did a poster of their own which ran on a billboard outside their office in Kingston, UK. This Düsseldorf one is a nod to that.

Later when the ad campaign hit the US: Dove Firming Lotion Ads spark controversy

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I liked the girls version better..... I think. hehe. (from Dove: embracing real beauty)

troymcclure's picture

Now this is truly disturbing. Looks like a Calvin Klein ad featuring the cast of "The Office."

James Trickery's picture

Ad execs come in all shapes and sizes don't they?
Anyone have the number for the hairy guy on the far right?

kurtberengeiger's picture

He's only accepting fan mail. Send yours to ogilvyddf@ogilvy.com . Put "hairy guy on the far right" in the subject line...

Dabitch's picture

*moahahaha*! That cracked me up.

AnonymousCoward's picture

you're missing it. this ad series hits in duesseldorf, because, as any german male knows, any chance you get to pimp yourself in your underwear is a head-up on all the other yuppy scum ...

plus, its a very clear 'riff off America', and this might surprise you, but that also hits in germany, although not always for the clear 'reasons' you might think ..

Dabitch's picture

In what way is this ad campaign (? or do you simply mean these particular posters?) a "riff of America"?

kurtberengeiger's picture

My [albeit limited] experience is that Düsseldorf’s old town, otherwise known as Germany’s “largest outside bar”, offers plenty of chances for men to pimp themselves – in all manner of attire… ;o)