Onida Anti reflective LED TV - Hitler Gloria - India

India strikes again! I don't know what it is about their fascination with Hitler (in advertising), but they do love to use him. He's such a simple symbol, and here der führer has a gloria above his evil little head, as the ad is bragging about Onida's anti reflective LED TV's. Yeah, Onida, I'm not sure you want your brand name connected with Hitler.

Advertising Agency: McCann Worldgroup, Mumbai, India
National Creative Director: Prasoon Joshi
Executive Creative Directors: Rahul Mathew, Akshay Kapnadak
Creative Directors: Aman Mannan, Kapil Tammal
Art Directors: Kapil Tammal, Pramod Chavan, Ankit Dembla
Copywriters: Aman Mannan, Rahul Mathew
Photographer: Sandeep Barge

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