PayPal "#TurkeyDash: Nutrition" (2017) :20 (UK)

Scarlett Moffatt gets animated in this spot for PayPal's charity drive called Turkey Dash in wich the more your donate to a select charity, the faster the turkeys run. This spot was animated by the always awesome Asrdman.

Creative Agency Credits:

Creative Directors + Creatives: Dave Newbold, Jim Eyre
Creative Lead + Head of Tech: Alex Budin
Creative Lead + UX Designer: Chun Tung
Junior Creative Team: Kostie Kontorravdis, Tom Kemp
Head of Design: Hugh Tarpey
Designer: Kat Wozniak
Designer: Luke Sneddon
Senior Integrated Producer: Chris Chapman
Business Director: Mark Boyd
Account Manager: Grace Albrow
Head of Planning + Planning Director: Nicole Frost
Planner: Emma Banks
Head of Business Affairs: Susan Grant
PR Director: Trudi Harris

Aardman Credits:

Directors: Darren Dubicki and Andy Lavery
Producer: Jason Fletcher-Bartholomew
Production Manager: Danny Gallagher
Executive Producer: Heather Wright

PayPal Credits:

UK CMO & Head of Consumer: Alison Sagar
Head of Advertising and Media: Rosalind Young
Head of Consumer Value Proposition Marketing: Jo Denman
Head of EMEA Brand Marketing: Liz Wright
Senior Manager, Value Proposition Marketing: Charlotte Turland
Senior Manager, Co-Marketing & Partnerships: Phil Best
Senior Manager, Communications: Neil Cassley
Marketing Manager, Value Proposition Marketing: Gregory Aubert
Social Media Lead: Charlie Spencer
Marketing Executive: Laura Davies
Co-Marketing & Partnerships Intern: Charlotte Goldspink

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